3WW, Napowrimo, Poetry, ReadWritePoem

repairable repartee

read write poem: day 8 napowrimo, unusual love connections. think of your current love, your current obsession or the one who got away and come up with five or more unusual metaphors for the object of your affection/obsession. got plenty of those regardless, romance is timeless.
tommyg’s three word wednesday: deviate, identify, saturate
photo:  ianlk, flickr

separated by sincerity
we sit across an orgasmic ocean
lapping love licking 
our suspended wounds

found by lovesick fate
a decorated table elucidate
scrutinizing sky blue eyes
melt away marvelous madness

your hands speak effortlessly
expecting a candid reply
deceptive dessert denies
a sweetened silver spoon

rescued revelation responds
a quick intoxicating kiss commute
the familiar fragrance
saturate our isolated eligibility

i once curled around
purring velvet trust
no longer hissing
silent salutation

don’t deviate
or try to explain
i stumble and stutter
freeze and fumble

persuasive perception
identify and confess
again your hands open
quick slow drowning splash


20 thoughts on “repairable repartee

  1. piece of pie,

    thank you so much for your comment at my blog.

    “quick slow drowning” does a great job evoking some powerful imagery and is a really effective last line. i noticed that in every stanza except #5 and #7, the third line is alliterated. ‘any thought to do the same in those stanzas? — you have a good ear for alliteration.

    ‘also have to tell you that i love the spare look and design of your blog! i think it’s my favorite of any blog i’ve ever seen. ‘great photo in above post, too.

  2. melt away marvelous madness – I that line a lot, the whole poem just oozes with delicate suggestions, or perhaps that’s not the right word, it seems like a conversation between two people who are in a relationship but don’t quite match as a couple – there’s my 2cents

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