
3ww no 398: defense, fertile, needy

searching for a portal
immersed in a sea of maize

fertile field afternoon
sky blue turns a sunset corner

cornfield stalks sire a score
needy country songs capitulate

wondering where and how
only the wind hears to answer

picnic private space
redeeming defense delivers

3WW, Poetry, poets united.verse first


dancing during intermission
drenched in the open seas
sunny stars burning bright
the ground slips away

swimming sensation of swaying
rhythmic tides excursion
playful harmony adrift

never-ending waves metamorphosis
revising the buried beast within
why would one aspire to reach shore

mermaid moments take flight
finding a future of freedom
the slurp of sea water signifies separation

poets united – midweek motif: success
three word Wednesday: aspire, beast, slurp


back there when i said yes
really yes without reservation
there was no ambiguity

no need to probe the tomorrows
ticking transmitters echoing back
who speak of repulsive modus vivendi

sky blue was the beguiling color
clear and conscious he was as always
assuring the way forward no turnaround debate

and then when he laid bare
that exiled indifference, that malevolent look
he wasn’t even aware of the snitch

there was no next day wake up
first morning kismet kiss
breakfast brunch served my beloved

revolving written revelation
dreamy devoted dilemma
i can still see animus

defecting disappearance before he returned
sudden scrawny starved love slipped away
still raw was the gift walkaway


sunday scribbling-2: no 4 waiting for a gift
three word Wednesday: malevolent, probe, repulsive

3WW, Poetry, SundayScribbling2


3WW, Poetry, short story


faithful to the cause he wandered over intoxicated by a mouth watering scent hanging in a still air. pressing his nose through brush and dirt he began circling madly as if under a spell to isolate the fragrance. oh so happy and unwilling to howl he plopped into oblivion his paws clutching the prize. tuned in to an unchanging truth he began to scrutinize and sniff the horizon searching the unknown. Noting nothing he chewed and licked till the very last of the bone’s marrow disappeared.


three word Wednesday: faithful, isolate. scrutinize
