Napowrimo, Poetry, ReadWritePoem

equal ends

readwritepoem napowrimo day 30 free day [and farewell]

we were walking
in a current of circles
going everywhere

above our heads
gray rainbow clouds
rattling loose a
curtain of rain
thunder crashing
we kept moving
the want not
to stop

unasked we’re
drawn into a
transparent downpour
slows our thoughts
stumbling into a small
shaded sanctuary
we wade within

time crept awhile
until we ventured
out from under the
liquid shelter
no words could

soaked we felt
a dampness
through and through
a creeping chill
of a strange invasion

i didn’t care
it felt free
i never wrote
about that

the unguarded
of nothing near
and the quiet
of passing comes
i consider
and contemplate

these moments
such as today
this transient soaring
of a slice shared

bite by bite
a raw unmeasured
minute divided
and halfed

a 30-day
sweet sentence
signals a stay

i say to you
A più tardi


a life in the day

readwritepoem: napowrimo day 29 front page news:  choose your favorite newspaper or online news provider. jot down five to ten headlines that jump out at you and without reading the articles, select elements from each headline to create a new event about which your poem reports. i chose today’s online bylines the cheat sheet and highlights section front page. also used the beatles a day in the life song from sgt pepper…. ; photo: signal, detroitmi97, flickr

today the white house on 10th street
was smeared with socks and shoes
swung on primetime with anchor
who made the grade

one observer noted the news
was rather sad almost cursed
inside the lights gleamed brightly
unaware the immigrants were
leaving in droves

a crowd of people moved away
praising the euologies of those
missing in the boobquake diasaster
trapped in pugatory not noticing
the light had changed

cleave, Napowrimo, Poetry, ReadWritePoem

stop n go

readwrite poem napowrimo day 28 intuition. When I remember my “a-ha moment” from my past, I understand the place I am meant to go with my words and poetry today is the stop n go of my life past and present expressed in fantasy cleave poetry form; photo: butterfly wing, zoom images, flickr

flying purple parade tiny little fairies
gold flecked tinker bell fugitive dust
never never land nutcracker ballerinas
musical sounds orchestrating fortunes
the easing salve bitty bites of bewilderment
ferocious fierce loud barking dog
running chasing fast and furious
haunting hallowed heights
next door neighbor far distant land
behind the clouded glass shadowed stranger
she shifts her silk sounds the breaking cracked glass 
social step ladder lead footed feat

stilled in quiet flight
surfing swimming alluvium
tiptoe tantalizing tangoed feet
lucid lies languish
clear cautious perfume
the quiet queer complex feral figure
heavenly pitter patter paws pass
vast village vintage venues
serrated mist mellows monday maybes
across the lane lies the empty lot
through a fluttering fog she smiles
light lace pink slip clinging clutter 
leaves no mentioning mark 

flying purple parade tiny little fairies stilled in quiet flight
gold flecked tinker bell fugitive dust surfing swimming alluvium
never never land nutcracker ballerinas tiptoe tantalizing tangoed feet
musical sounds orchestrating fortunes lucid lies languish
the easing salve bitty bites of bewilderment clear cautious perfume
ferocious fierce loud barking dog the quiet queer complex feral figure
running chasing fast and furious heavenly pitter patter paws pass
the open green grass billowing hill vast village vintage venues 
haunting hallowed heights serrated mist mellows monday maybes
next door neighbor far distant land across the lane lies the empty lot
behind the clouded glass shadowed stranger through a fluttering fog she smiles
she shifts her silk sounds the breaking cracked glass light lace pink slip clinging clutter 
social step ladder lead footed feat leaves no mentioning mark

acrostic, Napowrimo, Poetry, ReadWritePoem

release engage

read write poem napowrimo day 27 let someone else take the lead. thanks to carolee for today’s prompt. take a word that’s part of you — your name, your birth month, your favorite animal, your guiding principle. write that word vertically down a page and use the letters to start the lines of a poem. always wanted to try acrostic form…i choose harmony; photo: Smokin’scoobs1969, flickr

happiness beckons in continuous kinship
arresting the anger cuffed and stayed
reconciliation chain entwine simpatico
mischievous madness manifesting nowhere
optimism spreads sweet strawberry jam
nesting resentment cleared and cleaned
yielding yawns wishy washy yummy yearn

Haiku, Napowrimo, OneSingleImpression, Poetry, ReadWritePoem

conduit connect

readwritepoem day 25 first things first. first sentence you hear or read after you’ve read today’s prompt take that and build a poem around it. “don’t push me” as she takes a step and flies over the edge, this is the first thing i heard… ; one single impression: fissure; photo: Raging Water, ahamediqbal, flickr

somewhere subtle deep
raging racing waters breech
erase rock release

crashing crooning thunder
roaring tumbling groaning grains
terra firma ebb

where once was cryptic
breezes in a wadi way
come my love to me
