Haiku, Poetry, SundayScribblings, tanka


adding two more lines
the wish had been ignited
burnt edges blaze bright
hidden behind singed sunlight
dangled bright her expression

haven’t you ever wanted to send a letter/email knowing the contents burned…..

sunday scribblings no 400 finale…. what a great site so glad to have participated off and on throughout the years and just happen to catch their last post…

Haiku, Poetry, sunday whirl, SundayScribblings


Wind Sock Photo

inherit winds
blue believability
shifting deeper dim

umbrella blue mist
gracious gloom hovering hum
stray cloud stew and stir

childhood charm shifts
underneath umbrella warm
tied to thunder bolts

wet shoes excuses
stand still splash display
vowed voice uttering

become light joined jolt
driving west freeway folly
nearing night complete

storm clouds have moved in…. gone are the calm bluest of blue cloudless skies offering warmth and renewal… replaced by rainbow gray puffy fast moving clouds and then again i look and see streaming wispy clouds…. constant change…. find myself driving a lot lately…. east a-ways then heading west a-ways.. while driving hands on the wheel looking out beyond the clear windshield the clouds speak as they quickly pass… 


one single impression no 242: free. sunday whirl wordle 78: umbrella, deeper, inherit, excuses, stand, become, thunder, childhood, joined, vowed, shifts, light;
photo: windsock, cubagallery, flickr

Poetry, SundayScribblings

sunday scribblings.blank

he asks in an almost too quiet to hear, can you?
telepathic touch too soon she takes two steps back, how can i?

terra firma the raindrops continued around and in between
reluctant revolution revealed contained a world within

he breathes in strong and assured not willing to relent
mute she breaks and turns cradling the backwards

oh how it howls here sweeping surely
speaking of his softened features melting mercy

rhythmic riot pulling push he stalks the still
the space between stayed and quiet

…….this is how it is sometimes. that place of unwilling willingness, torn yet soothed. 


sunday scribblings: revolution

Poetry, SundayScribblings


twice turning
the stars lifted their heads
seeking a shoulder
a wall with monocratic memory
holding high all that tarries
barely a spoken sentence
yet understood

would i linger just a millisecond longer held in open arms…. last night’s vision, coming home late the world was a little sleepy and peacefully quiet… a small spell of in between when all those moments we hardly notice come to light…  tired eyes focused on a western sky with an almost full moon, a soft lingering light mist encircles this small wonderful enchantment… and a warm 4 pieces left homemade apple berry pie…

sunday scribblings 313 reflect
