
Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie

read write poem: napowrimo day 13 smoke a dubie. for this prompt, take a dubie line to jumpstart a poem of your own. i picked homage to philip k. dick

In the trunk of his pink Studebaker
behind the spare whitewall wheel
there lies a breath expired scrawl
ordained his dotted i’s
he wrote when he was young

he wrote with weight a no 2 lead
rehearsing life’s impetuous imaginings
lubricated nibbles composure cast
clear pencil packets of five
he bought when he was young

he wrote the words of arrogance
packed with character and raw ramblings
unsheathed to him in grampa’s voice
whiskey swillin croaking cricket obscurity
he bought when he was young

he wrote the mad and simple
easy quick and staggering
a twilight later wandering
he baits his emotional memory
he bought when he was young


7 thoughts on “Poem Starting with a Line from Norman Dubie

  1. Powerful and laden. Philip K. Dick was perhaps kindred to the Beatnik Poets, but he knew he had to try to keep himself grounded. so brilliant and so sad.

    I like how you circle down quickly into the simplicity of writing, the images of the boy with the #2 pencils.

    Thank you

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