

Sunday Scribblings: no 189 oracle
photo:  Roaring Waterfall, Steve Rosset, flickr

roaring descend
falling fast, falling furious
trace the shadow a dry waterfall
thunder loud, echo silent
stir the ancient canyon walls

vapour filled, rainbow mist
tremble the still soothed air
landing soft, floating light
gift the gathered moving waters

he who comes along
a prism window looms
observe close, sensing those
life eternal, who wait in worship


12 thoughts on “witness

  1. b says:

    This is a beautiful word image…one that should be printed and framed.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog. No cowgirl here…just a very good observer of life. Mostly close to my own.


  2. I journeyed to that ‘ancient canyon’ with your spendid imagery. And what a journey! I’ll be looking for that prism all day now.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty!

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