Haiku, haiku my heart, Poetry, tanka

almost naked

rebecca’s friday recuerda mi corazon [haiku my heart]
photo: clouds1920, ImageShack.us

born between four sisters
two this way two that way
the best of bookends
digesting white clouds above
we lost life’s bitter aftertaste

…as kids we used to lay on our backs and watch the clouds pass by for hours… life was hard but we had each other to hold onto when it became unbearable… to my sister gogi who laughs at all my jokes… she so gets me…


12 thoughts on “almost naked

  1. Ms. Pie,
    I love your photo.Clouds are ephemeral but beautiful. Sisters are real and can offer support. I have only one sister. I know about life being hard when you are a kid and finding ways to move through it. I am glad that you and your sisters were close and had each other for the journey. It can make all the difference in the world. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and tender part of yourself. It is so lovely.. I bet your jokes are funny too.

  2. there is nothing like the feeling of someone “getting you.”
    i love the thought of clouds marking the passing of time while the two of you shared the beauty side by side.

  3. Hi ‘PieceofPie’ – sorry I only saw your comment on my blog today..thank you for your vist..your blog is a thing of wander and there is much to explore..I love this poem anout being sisters..made me feel my sister beside me..Jae

  4. You can get lost in clouds for a long time, when I was little I used to imagine clouds were a far away fairy land. My own sister was off the scene when I was only seven so my days were spent imagining on my own.

    Snuggled between your sisters must have given you a lot of comfort even when times were difficult.

    Lovely image

    Sue x

  5. i love this. a glimpse into who you are & what makes you, you. i don’t have any sisters but i have laid many a time on the ground watching the clouds float by with friends. we used to call out what each cloud looked like and laugh so hard every time. good times. hope you have many more cherished memories with your sisters. have a great day.

  6. I loved this, too! Pie, you have great memories of you and your sisters. Mine are bittersweet but we did do some major cloud gazing in our time, so thanks for taking me back to a sweeter day…

    Amy Barlow Liberatore

  7. Such a lovely verse and loved the tender feelings between siblings 🙂

    Great bonding I see here through life’s up’s and down’s!!

    Thanks for sharing these tender moments!!

    Have a great week ahead!!

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