OneSingleImpression, Poetry

without strings attached

clear window gazing
his silent simple footsteps
made way towards our home

knowing life waited
just as he left moons ago
glancing backwards blink

tearing through his flesh
blood bones memories spilling
all for liberty

ephemeral view
forever his first last breath
candle’s light burning

between his fingers
webbed in silence unobserved
my love weaved tightly

he’s never left me
the scent of his life lingers
between blood and bones
* * * * * * * * *
one single impression no 21: homecoming;
photo: David Tutwiler: Homeward Bound, freeparking, flickr


20 thoughts on “without strings attached

  1. For once my big mouth is at a loss for words. I don’t know what to say. This my dear is beautiful. No it’s beyond that.
    I do not know what was in your heart and mind when you wrote this love poem but all I can and will say is with this world the way it is, he (she) was and still is one extraordinary person to have your love. Thanks for sharing.


  2. humbly grateful for the comments… thrz always that question as to what sparks the emotional exchange in words and a photo… did anyone see healing words: poetry and medicine on pbs . blew me away.. patients are encouraged to write poetry, draw pictures as a form of communication to their doctors and doctors write poetry to their patients… was totally affected by the program… as it is so true in the blog world of writing…it is worthy of a visit as a writer you owe it to yourself…

  3. laineylapiz says:

    wow this is amazing. I really like the lines that the others mentioned but also love “tearing through his flesh
    blood bones memories spilling
    all for liberty” It’s a subtle tale of two people with influences like love and continuation and home and violence. I love it! it feels very slow paced and somber for a title that should be happy and then you slam us with this powerful lines full of emotion.

  4. cocoyea says:

    Amazing, very powerful lines, well thought out and expressed, great balance. I will definitely check out that link you suggested. The healing powers of art is incredible.

  5. adsaige says:

    There are very effective and powerful lines in this poem. An amazing tale with some background that is hidden in the shadow of the moon. I would love to catch a glimpse into it.

    There are some stanzas that carry more effect, but it is very well balanced. Beautiful.

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