
dark night

perhaps it is the hour
when daylight is delayed
shrouded in sightless mystery
the blind focus of silent sounds

observe the subtle movement
witness the quiet steps
explore the evening edge
and peer the peaceful voluminosity

Bones 3WW weekly three word wednesday prompt No 87: delayed, edge, focus; photo: jaman84044, photobucket


19 thoughts on “inbetween

  1. explore the evening edge – I like that – wonder if being sleepless is another creative process of the brain telling you that you need to stay awake

    I have no idea where these nonsensical comments that I am making but I hope it makes some sense

  2. people look at me funny when i say i get up at two or three in the morning… but to me that is the very best time of the day… i love being alive while the rest of the world sleeps…….

    this was beautiful…

  3. For much of my early life I existed at either side of the early hours, at one time in a rock band, arriving home then, and at another, a newsagent, and up before the birds.
    To be out in such peace is fulfilling, somehow vibrant.
    You capture it well.

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