Haiku, Poetry, SundayScribblings, tanka


adding two more lines
the wish had been ignited
burnt edges blaze bright
hidden behind singed sunlight
dangled bright her expression

haven’t you ever wanted to send a letter/email knowing the contents burned…..

sunday scribblings no 400 finale…. what a great site so glad to have participated off and on throughout the years and just happen to catch their last post…


3 thoughts on “paperflight.ss

  1. I remember the days of scores of participants when it was a game to try to get your post in number one spot before anyone else. Hopefully we will all meet each other elsewhere. I wonder if yours will be the last one here…the last dying ember of a great prompt site. It would be apt.

  2. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    It’s a new year, and Sunday Scribblings 2 is a new place for prompts for writers of whatever genre. I was sorry to see Sunday Scribblings go, so I decided to continue the tradition. Each Wednesday, I will post a new prompt. At midnight Friday, you will be able to link your writing to this site: Sunday Scribblings 2

    The prompt is up. Please join us!

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