Poetry, SundayScribblings

sundayscribblings.backyard beginnings

sunday scribblings: no 290 my backyard

in my own backyard
there is an ocean of plentitude
tides slow surge
streams of alluvion drench delight
season to season suffuse

just inside the physical fence
boundary bubble bounce
the ebb and sweeping sound
incognito serenity halcyon
swaying flowers chattering chimes
the pleasure is purely mine

enticing escape bountiful beauty
never not once the same
underneath the canopy tree
the sight of silence soothes


5 thoughts on “sundayscribblings.backyard beginnings

  1. i can say this with certainty, i could read one of your poems and 49 others and pick yours out with ease. you have developed a very fluid and luscious style that is all, completely, your own. very nice works. always.

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