9 thoughts on “sunday scribblings.storyteller

  1. I like their messages too that herald the seasons by their arrival and by their departure, by their mating rituals and their protectiveness of their young. They are great messengers indeed.

  2. Birds are like bells! How wonderfully clear you’ve made it..different birds I guess ‘kindle’ different messages..little ones seem happy..but seagulls always leave me feeling a bit gloomy..Jae 🙂

  3. Ah, yes! The bell of autumn approaching winter, of returning spring, of talking to each other…. And there is a stirring in us; an announcement has been made. Beautiful! (Ms. Pie, I commented on your Haiku Friday , too; sorry to be so so late. Love.)

  4. Pingback: paradise pink « Piece of Pie ala Mode

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