monday poetry train, short story


it is an exciting day for monday poetry train revisited it is the 100 edition. congrats to gautami tripathy at firmly rooted ; photo: Cuba Gallery: Black and White / farm / vintage / texture, flickr

leaving a little note tucked in the sleeve of a forgotten memorable book she hugged the house and walked away.  it was after all more than enough. there were no more than a few hours left after an aeon in stasis.  searching the blue sky her eyes took in every detail acutely aware each footstep brought the disappearance closer. touching everything her fingers soon grew numb.


7 thoughts on “transfer

  1. often wonder how would one feel after leaving a home one has known all their lives and now it is altogether something different… or what if one was hiding out in a sense, and then one day leaves not knowing what awaits past the gate…

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