
seashore journey

sunday scribblings: shipwrecked
three word wednesday: adapt, lie, glide

a sudden departure
started with a splash
knew it was a shipwreck
immediately immersed
wet water tread
sweet savoring surrender
crashing dryland pileup

new years eve fireworks
laughter’s luminous light
trailing trials of trouble
stars swaying sorrow
two feet feeling squishy
soaked summer sandals

unbuckled and brave
diving during darkness
two big eyes examine
hunchback harmony
in a placating plunge
flapping tall tail touch

always eternally open
comes a two oar rowing rescue
i am a walker willing to adapt
plunging possessions fall
and the big lie loosens
begins a glistening glide
to a far far away

those unlikeable emotions
hostile to water preferring the dry
in a downpour they disappear
lighter the load landfall appears
silent the air parts letting me go
